GNWC….. The Return!

The rematch is on, the venue set for Thanet, and the participants ready. It was time for titles to be defended and the hope of new winners to be broken……. its time for another Games Night World Championship!

Would Mr S retain the Winners trophy? Would Mrs J retain the Non winners trophy? Would we have new winners? The excitiment is building to 11. Here goes……

For this event Mrs H, Mr P, Mrs J and myself would be playing against Mr S and Mrs S in their home statium in Thanet.

The games commenced after a beautiful dinner of Spaghetti Bolognese followed by Lemon Merengue Pie. The chosen running order was as follows:


A very close game for all, this was Mrs H and Mr P’s second game. By Level 4 we were all in the swing and cursing/back stabbing like mad! After a dramatic ending where all but two players were on Level 9 Both Mrs H and Mr P won (Mr P assisited and was allowed to move up a level too!) Not bad for their second game!

1st: Mrs H and Mr P (10points each)
2nd: Mrs J (8points)
3rd: Me (6points)
4th : Mrs S (4points)
5th: Mr S (2points)

Zombie Dice:

A five minute filler where the first to scoff 13 brains would take 5 bonus points, everyone else would receive ziltch!

1st: Mrs H (5 bonus points)

(A trend was beginning to show at this point!)


Apart from Mrs J and I this was only the second or third time the rest of the part had played this game. I think the more I play this game the more I love how simple it is but how strategic it is!

1st: Mr P (10points)
2nd Mrs H (8points)
3rd: Me (6points)
4th: Mrs S (4points)
5th: Mr S (2points)
6th: Mrs J (1point)

At this point in the championship it looked as though Mrs H and Mr P were flying away with the victors die!

A new game for the GNWC was next, Mrs S’s favourite game…… PassĀ  the Pigs. A ‘pig’ throwing game where the position the pair of pigs land scores you points, unless you ‘pig out’ (both pigs on their sides with one side with a dot and one side without) this will zero your score for that round.

Pass the Pigs:

1st: Mr P (10points)
2nd: Me (8points)
3rd: Mrs S (6points)
4th: Mrs J ( 4points)
5th: Mrs H (2points)
6th: Mr S (1point)

Formula D.

Yes, the game reliant on good dice rolls and a good strategy was next (I should have remembered this!!). This is a game I always look forward to playing, even if it sometimes means I throw caution to the wind!

1st: Mrs H (10points)
2nd: Mr S (8points)
3rd: Mrs J (6points)
4th: Mr P (4points)
5th: Me (2points)
6th: Mrs S (1point)

To finish the evening another game of Zombie Dice was played, this would again offer 5 bonus points to the winner……..

1st to eat 13 brains: Mrs J (5 bonus points)

So the games had been played, the scores total, winners crowned, non winners crowned and commiserations to the , iddle runners. The final table is:

GNWC Thanet Champion: Mrs H, total 35 points
2nd: Mr P, total 34 points
3rd: Mrs J, total 24 points
4th: Me, total 22 points
5th: Mrs S, total 15 points
GNWC Non Winner: Mr S, total 13 points


Congratulations to Mrs H who takes the GNWC Die till the next event.

Congratulations also go to Mr S, who graciously handed the GNWC Die to Mrs H then recieved the non Winners ludo piece form Mrs J.

Well, another event passed with a new throphy recipients, the J house hold is throphy-less. The next GNWC will be at the Bay arena, I will do my best to recieve either one!

Thank you Mrs S and Mr S for a brilliant evening.
